October is National Co-op Month! Keeping with the cooperative principle "Commitment to Community" HCREC is excited to partner with our friends at Harrison County Home and Public Health for a diaper drive to support the local diaper bank which supports families throughout the county. Celebrate with us all October and support your community!
Donations can be delivered to the HCREC lobby throughout the entire month. Harrison County Home and Public Health will accept all donations but are in most need of the following items:
Baby and Toddler diapers sizes 4,5, and 6
2/3T and 3/4T Pull Ups
Diaper Rash Ointment
They will also happily accept:
Baby diapers of all sizes
Pull Ups of all sizes
Incontinence supplies for adults including Men's and Women's briefs/underwear
Waterproof bed under pads (disposable)
Monetary donations